Ikegami is a leading manufacturer of specialized cameras, image processing and transmission equipment. Ikegami was founded in 1946 in Tokyo, Japan. Today around 800 employees are working in 3 factories and 9 sales and service organizations all over the world. Ikegami has consistently created the most advanced products in all image processes, namely image, transmission, processing, recording and display. Ikegami Electronics Asia Pacific Pte.Ltd. (Ikegami APAC) in Singapore, was founded in 2014 and it is the sales and service organization for Asia Pacific except China,Taiwan,Korea,and Japan.

Company Name Ikegami Electronics Asia Pacific Pte.Ltd. (Ikegami APAC)
President Yasunori Kanno
Address 1 Tampines Central 5, #06-04 CPF Tampines Building, Singapore 529508
Tel. (+65) 6260-8820
Fax. (+65) 6260-8896
Contact Form https://sg.ikegami.co.jp/inquiry-general
Website https://sg.ikegami.co.jp/